
18 Wheeler Accidents – Self-Insured Trucking Companies

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18 Wheeler Accidents – Self-Insured Trucking Companies

Once in a while, there will be no insurance company involved at all in your case. This might well be because the trucking company has elected not to carry traditional insurance but rather to self insure, by setting aside a portion of their own assets to use in case there is an accident for which they might be held liable. If you are dealing with a self-insured trucking company then you will not be dealing with any sort of traditional insurance adjuster but rather with an officer of the trucking company who is in charge of these types of incidents. While traditional adjusters can most definitely be aggressive and stubborn, these officers are even more difficult to deal with, particularly if you do not have a highly experienced trucking accident injury lawyer by your side. More info on this website
The principal reason for this is once again economic. These officer’s salaries are directly tied to the overall profitability of the trucking company. A major hit, as in a payout in an accident case, can have a serious effect on the officer’s own income, Thus they have personal financial reasons to do whatever they can do to negatively impact your case.

In addition, these company officers are not licensed. Adjusters are professionally licensed and must follow certain rules of ethical behavior in order to keep their licenses and thus their jobs. There are no such guidelines governing the behavior of the company officers. Consequently, we have heard of cases where there was evidence tampering as well as many other cases involving highly unethical behaviors. Our attorneys have dealt with this before and we can protect both you and your case from these unscrupulous individuals.

What We Can Do For You
While there is virtually an unlimited number of things that we can do for you in your case, here is a list of some of the more common things that we routinely will do:

Investigate the cause of the accident.
Gather all evidence needed to meet your burden of proof.
Pressure defendants into settling by using our reputation as leverage.
Develop a strong and well-substantiated trial strategy.
Protect your case from dismissal by the defense.
Personally take charge of all communications from the insurance adjusters.
Expose the lies that the truckers will tell to escape liability.
Make sure the officers of any self-insured trucking company stay within acceptable limits of behavior.

These are but a few of the services that we provide. Our goal is to do as much as possible for you and for your case so that you may be able to concentrate on getting better and healthier in order to return to your regular way of life once again.

The attorneys here at our Law Office have been successfully litigating personal injury cases for over 20 years. During that period of time, we have won millions and millions of dollars in settlements for our Texas clients from major insurance companies throughout the United States. Let us now do the same for you as well.

If you have been injured in an 18-wheeler truck accident contact our Law Office today (toll-free). We are pleased to offer a complimentary consultation and are available 24 hours a day. We look forward to discussing your case with you and to answering all of your specific questions.


Why You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

Being involved in an injurious accident is no fun. It’s even more frustrating when the person responsible for your injuries doesn’t want to pay up. Medical services can be very expensive and when the person at fault doesn’t want to cover those expenses, or if they keep insisting that they weren’t responsible for the damages, you might have to pay for those expenses yourself. If you really want to win your battle without a hitch, you should hire a personal injury lawyer. There are lots of great benefits to hiring a personal injury lawyer. If you’re still wondering whether or not you should handle things on your own, consider these top reasons why you should seek the expertise of a seasoned professional.

Top Reasons Why You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

1. Knowledge of the Law – We can’t all be experts when it comes to understanding the law – that’s why attorneys exist. If you want to win a court battle in this day and age, it is essential that you have a stable and firm grasp of legal terms, procedures, and processes so that you can use them to your advantage when you need to. Hiring a personal injury lawyer will allow you to navigate the often confusing world of law with the help and expertise of someone who knows to speak the language. This will keep you from overlooking important, beneficial aspects and will ensure that you know exactly what to do if and when confronted with a problem.

car accident attorneys

2. Proper Connections – When you try to prove a personal injury claim, you will have to get the opinion of doctors and other health care providers to validate your claim. Often, you will have to undergo a series of tests and checkups to see whether or not the injuries you sustained are really worth what you’re asking for. Because many of these tests will have to be paid for, you should expect that the money that will answer for those expenses will come from your own pocket. But because many personal injury law firms have connections and partnerships with doctors, you can expect to get discounted fees at certain facilities.

3. Hassle Free Negotiations – Usually, a personal injury case is settled via a settlement instead of going all the way to the level of a trial. When you hire a personal injury lawyer, you can have them perform the necessary negotiations for you and they will come to the best settlement in favor of you.


Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you were involved in accident caused by someone else, you should know that it’s their responsibility to cover you for whatever injuries or losses you sustained. Because many people have insurance to cover them for liabilities, it might be easy at time to get people to agree to your requests. But what happens when you end up rejected and denied the rightful coverage and payments? If you’re having trouble getting the liable to prove you financial compensation and reimbursement for the damages they dealt you, you should consider hiring a personal injury lawyer.

When You Should Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

It’s not always necessary to have a personal injury lawyer on your side, especially if you get your coverage hassle free. But if those fickle individuals choose to deny you your rights, you should definitely have a personal injury lawyer waiting on the wings.

1. The Liable or Their Insurance Company Refuses to Settle Things in Good Faith – Let’s say you tripped on an individual’s lawn one day when you went there to deliver an item they ordered from your store. You confront them and discuss the situation and how you were injured because of their faulty property, but they insist that it was your own fault. After a few more hours of conversation, the liable contacted their insurance company to make a claim. The insurance agent assesses the situation and says that you’re eligible to receive a certain amount of money to address the physical injuries you sustained. You checked with your doctor and asked for estimates only to find out that the money you’re being offered isn’t even half of what it would cost. If the insurance company of the liable individual proceeds to refuse your negotiations, you might have to employ the expertise of a personal injury lawyer.

2. Difficult Proving Your Claim – There are some injuries and traumas that are harder to prove than others. Mental and emotional trauma, for example, can hardly be assessed and validated. If you’re having difficulty proving your claim, you should contact a personal injury law firm and ask about your case. These people don’t only have the expertise to help prove your claim, they also have the contacts and connections with doctors and medical facilities that could administer the necessary tests and lab exams to validate your emotional or mental trauma. Make sure you hire someone that knows the ins and outs of personal injury law so you can get the best out of your cause.